The Online Art Exhibition is now closed.
Thank you to everyone who participated or viewed the first Salvos Online Art Exhibition!

There were so many amazing artworks. In fact I really enjoyed the diversity of the gallery and I’m glad that I was able to participate.

"Thank you so much for the time and effort that it took to put the on-line exhibition together. It helped to refresh and encourage a jaded spirit. I pray that it will be the first of many such exhibitions"

"It has been my prayer for a while now to find a way to use my art for His works and kingdom. This is such a great opportunity for us to show some of our work. It’s exciting to put your work out there and see how God will use it."
While Covid-19 has affected how we operate individually and as a Christian movement, its impact has also bred opportunity: maximizing virtual connections, rethinking former frameworks and sparking new ideas. From this challenging yet creative mix emerged the Online Art Exhibition.
Artists were invited to create a piece of work that was inspired by The Salvation Army Australia’s Four Mission Intentions: Caring for People, Creating Faith Pathways, Building Healthy Communities and Working for Justice. You can find more information about the Mission Intentions here.
The Exhibition was open to artisans. This includes visual artists, graphic designers, photographers, sculptors, woodwork artists, crafters and other visual artisans. But did not include performing arts genres. Professional, hobbyist, experienced or beginner - everyone was encouraged to get involved.
Above all, this exhibition seeks to glorify Jesus.
For all artists, we hope this exhibition invigorated your passion for the arts and for mission. We also pray that you encountered Jesus as you explored ideas, as you created your work, and now as you experience the work of others. He is the one we adore, our ultimate source of inspiration - and indeed the best Artist we know.
For all who will enjoy viewing the gallery, we pray that you will be encouraged by the creativity and variety available to us in worshipping our Saviour Jesus and sharing his love with others.

Our Mission
As a movement of Jesus we want to see God's Kingdom right here on earth. Our vision is to transform Australia, but how? We achieve our vision through our mission. When we care for people, create faith pathways, build healthy communities and work for justice, we see lives transformed with the love of Jesus. Salvation Army founder, William Booth once said: "Making heaven on earth is our business." Let's do it!
The Salvation Army is a Christian movement dedicated to sharing the love of Jesus. We share the love of Jesus by:
Caring for people
Creating faith pathways
Building healthy communities
Working for justice
You can read more about our Mission here
The love of Jesus is inspirational, transformational, life-changing, earth-shattering, unbreaking and unconditional.
“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:28, NIV).
Sharing the love of Jesus should be inherent as a follower of Jesus. When we see a movie we love, we tell our friends. When we find a great café, we post about it on Instagram. Why would we want to keep the greatest love the world has ever known a secret from friends and family?
The Salvation Army’s Mission is built on a message of love. “Love is the keynote to all that we do,” said General Bramwell Booth.
“Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples” (John 13:35, NLT).

We pray that every artist who engages in this exhibition will have fresh revelations of God’s love and calling on their life. We pray that you would know that you are loved and valued and your gifting is a blessing to our church.
For everyone who views the gallery, we pray that you will be inspired to live out God’s calling on their life and be challenged as to what it means to be The Salvation Army in 2021.
We pray God will bless you abundantly!