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Working for Justice

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Jesus commanded us to “love one another” (John 13:34). When we love one another, we recognise the struggles of others and we show love by transforming their situation.

General Evangeline Booth said, “There is no reward equal to that of doing the most good to the most people in the most need.” We show the love of Jesus by speaking up for injustice in the world. Advocating for social justice is how we can bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to the streets, showing how deep his love is, and how GOd is a just God who does not want any of his children to suffer. As Salvos, we will not be afraid to speak out for and serve the marginalised. We will highlight the importance of all people because they are all part of God’s creation.

In the words of our founder, Catherine Booth, “There is no improving the future without disturbing the present.” So, disturb the present. Stand up, speak out, advocate, show love and transform lives.

We work for justice because we believe that the God of the Bible loves justice and people flourish best in a world that is fair and equitable. If all people are of value, then we must act in ways which ensure justice and equality for all. This means addressing unjust social systems through advocating for justice with government, businesses and the wider community. This includes raising awareness of injustice and actively working alongside others for a more just world.

Information on Mission Intentions sourced from Mission Department resource Steps in developing the 2021 Local Mission Plan.

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