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Caring for People

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William Booth said, “You cannot warm the hearts of people with God’s love if they have an empty stomach and cold feet.”

Caring for people’s physical needs should be top of mind in all situations. Look around you and see people who are suffering with sickness, experiencing loneliness, battling mental illness or struggling to afford life’s essentials. You can show the love of God by caring for them. We model our ministry on the ministry of Jesus, who sought to meet people’s needs without judgement. A small act of kindness can lead to a spark of hope.

We care for people without discrimination because we see all people as made in the image of God. We care for people as an expression of God’s love. This means we follow the example of Jesus and treat all people with dignity and respect – especially those that the world treats with little dignity or respect. We seek to be a safe place of welcome for all and listen to understand without judgement. We look to build on the gifts and strengths of people and see people in the context of their relationships. We look to care for people holistically and promote human flourishing.

Information on Mission Intentions sourced from Mission Department resource Steps in developing the 2021 Local Mission Plan.

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